Stand: 18.05.2024 12:05
Stand: 18.05.2024 12:05

Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Osnabrück:

Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft im Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein Osnabrück

--- over 50 years Astro-AG --- over 25 years observatory on Oldendorfer mountain ---

The Astronomical Consortium (Astro-AG) exists since 1966. It is part of the Osnabrück Natural Science Association, which has further consortia for botany, geology and ornithology. In Astro-AG interested people of different professions and ages come together, which fascinate the phenomena and events outside the earth's atmosphere in the wide space. The observatory on the Oldendorfer mountain near Melle - with a still dark sky - is our central point for experiencing astronomy. Here we conduct our own observations, but also guests are welcome to the regular public observations in every clear Saturday night.

Astronomietag 24.3.2018, Aufnahme Carsten Debbe                                   Skywatchers in action in our observatory

In addition, there is a regular table every two weeks, and every last Friday of the month we exchange ideas on specific topics in astronomy. Participation in various events throughout Germany, such as telescope meetings, fairs, the Norddeutsche Sternwartentreffen and much more brings us together with many other astronomically interested people. Special highlights are our expeditions to events in the sky such as solar eclipses or northern lights, which are rare to be seen here in Germany. Guests and others, interested in our club life, are cordially invited to come.

Sonnenfinsternis 21.08.2017, Idaho, USA, Foto Gerold Holtkamp
The total solar eclipse Aug 21, 2017 in Idaho, USA 


Astronomietag 24.3.2018, Aufnahme Gerold HoltkampAstronomy Day 2018 in the town center of Osnabrück

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